Every 13 seconds, there is one divorce in America.
Separation and divorce is an emotionally and mentally exhausting process. Everything you thought you knew seems upside down. I can help turn things right side up. I can help you slow down the emotional roller coaster. Whether you need individual support or are looking for ways to guide your kids through the storm, I can help.
What are the Benefits of Divorce/Separation Counseling?
Did it feel like just yesterday you were walking down the aisle? Or maybe you’ve known something was off for a long time. Between careers, kids and family maybe it was just easier to push that doubt down and hope it went away. Couples facing divorce/separation can’t often identify when resentment began to build, but they know it’s there. When one or both partners are contemplating divorce, the distance grows and may turn in to separation. Walking on eggshells may be the new norm – until you are ready to dive in to the messy stuff.
Therapy allows two people at a cross roads to lay it all out on the table in a safe and productive way. By leaving no stone unturned, a couple can decide if and when to move forward with purpose and choice. Say everything you want to say, explore every corner of your relationship – in a safe and supportive environment with a highly skilled therapist. Divorce is a monumental decision – so have no regrets.
Individual Therapy
Divorce doesn’t mean the life you love is over. One chapter is closing and the next one is just beginning. Individual counseling while undergoing a divorce/separation can help you regain confidence. Rediscover your strength. Get excited for the future. You deserve to feel like yourself again.
Co-Parenting Support
Parenting is hard enough – so when you add the element of separation or divorce to the mix, everything can feel like an uphill battle. Co-Parenting Support allows ex-partners to navigate the parental role without taking steps backwards when it comes to their child’s development, emotional security and mental stability. Co-Parenting Support helps re-establish healthy boundaries without triggering an argument, identify possible future hurdles and equips parents with tools to utilize with their children when the tough questions come up.